SASTM Newsflash – 16 February 2015: MERS-CoV
Saudi Arabia, 5 new cases – MOH 16 Feb 2015
In the past 24 hours, there have been 5 new cases of laboratory confirmed MERS-CoV infection reported, bringing today’s tally (16 Feb 2015) to a total of:
891 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS-CoV, including
372 deaths
483 recoveries and
34 currently active cases (in hospitals) and an addition 2 cases on home isolation.
Information on newly confirmed cases:
1- Al-Jawf: 58-year-old Saudi female, non-healthcare worker, currently in stable condition, history of pre-existing co-morbidities, no history of known high risk exposures (no animal exposure, no exposure to other cases in hospital environment or in the community) in the 14 days preceding onset of illness.
2- Jeddah: 43-year-old Expat female, non-healthcare worker, currently in stable condition, no history of pre-existing co-morbidities, history of contact with suspected/confirmed case in the community, no history of animal exposure nor of other case(s) in the healthcare environment.
3- Riyadh: 85-year-old Saudi male, non-healthcare worker, currently in critical condition, history of pre-existing co-morbidities, no history of known high risk exposures (no animal exposure, no exposure to other cases in hospital environment or in the community) in the 14 days preceding onset of illness.
4- Riyadh: 34-year-old Expat female, non-healthcare worker, currently in Critical condition, history of pre-existing co-morbidities, no history of known high risk exposures (no animal exposure, no exposure to other cases in hospital environment or in the community) in the 14 days preceding onset of illness.
5- Khobar: 38-year-old Expat male, healthcare worker, currently in stable condition, no history of pre-existing co-morbidities, history of contact with suspected/confirmed case in healthcare environment, no history of exposure to animals or other case(s) in the community.
Cases continue to be confirmed in Saudi Arabia at an increased pace. In the past 6 days, there have been a total of 34 newly confirmed cases reported. It has been difficult keeping up with the tallies as there have been the occasional typos on the website, and typos in my tallies as well. Having double checked all numbers, I believe the current tally to be correct: A total of 891 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection reported by the Saudi MOH since June 2012, including 372 deaths. With the marked increase in cases, the effective case fatality rate has dropped from the 43 percent range to the 42 percent range.
WHO 16 Feb 2016
Source: WHO, Global Alert and Response, Disease Outbreak News
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) – Saudi Arabia
Between [5 and 7 Feb 2015], the IHR National Focal Point for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (SAU) notified WHO of 5 additional cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection. Cases are listed by date of reporting, with the most recent case listed 1st.
Details of the cases are as follows:
1- A 50-year-old female from Najran city developed symptoms on [31 Jan 2015] and was admitted to a hospital on [5 Feb 2015]. The patient has comorbidities. She attended a wedding party in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms. The patient has no history of exposure to other risk factors in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms. She was admitted to ICU and is currently in critical condition. [Case was reported on MOH website on 7 Feb 2015 as in critical condition, and patient reported as a fatality on 12 Feb 2015. Initial report listed possible history of animal exposure under investigation. – Mod.MPP]
2- A 57-year-old male from Riyadh city developed symptoms on [25 Jan 2015] and was admitted to a hospital on [29 Jan 2015]. The patient has comorbidities but no history of exposure to any known risk factors in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms. He was admitted to ICU and is currently in critical condition. [Case was reported on MOH website on 6 Feb 2015 as in critical condition. – Mod.MPP]
3- A 49-year-old male from Dammam city developed symptoms on [2 Feb 2015] and was admitted to a hospital on [4 Feb 2015]. The patient has comorbidities but no history of exposure to any known risk factors in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms. He was admitted to ICU and is currently in critical condition. [Case was reported on MOH website on 6 Feb 2015 as in critical condition and patient reported as a fatality on 11 Feb 2015. – Mod.MPP]
4- A 62-year-old male from Riyadh city developed symptoms on [30 Jan 2015] and was admitted to a hospital on [4 Feb 2015]. The patient has comorbidities. He owns camels and has a history of frequent contact with them and consumption of raw camel milk. The patient has no history of exposure to other known risk factors in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms. He was admitted to a negative pressure isolation room on a ward and is currently in stable condition. [Case reported on MOH website on 6 Feb 2015 as in stable condition. – Mod.MPP]
5- A 34-year-old, non-national male from Riyadh city developed symptoms on [31 Jan 2015] and was admitted to a hospital on [3 Feb 2015]. The patient has no comorbidities and no history of exposure to any known risk factors in the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms.
He was admitted to a negative pressure isolation room on a ward and is currently in stable condition. [Case reported as a 34-year-old, non-national female on the MOH website on 5 Feb 2015, at which time was noted to be in stable condition. Patient was reported as a 34-year-old expat male having recovered on 11 Feb 2015. ]
Contact tracing of household contacts and healthcare contacts is ongoing for these cases.
The IHR National Focal Point for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also notified WHO of the death of one previously reported MERS-CoV case. The case was reported in a previous DON on [11 Feb 2015] (Case n. 5).
Globally, WHO has been notified of 983 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV, including at least 360 related deaths.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail
The WHO updates are helpful to fill in missing or corrected information not available at the time of the 1st report of a case.
While the current WHO global tally is 983 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection including at least 360 related deaths, this tally is current with respect to cases reported by Saudi Arabia through 7 Feb 2015. Since then, there have been an additional 35 cases and 6 fatalities reported on the Saudi website, which would bring the global tally of cases to at least 1018 including at least 366 related deaths (case fatality rate 36 percent).
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