• Yellow Fever in Uganda has ended

    Yellow Fever – Africa: Uganda An outbreak of the hemorrhagic yellow fever disease in Uganda that killed 3 people earlier this year [2016] has ended, health authorities in the East African nation said. Uganda and several international agencies vaccinated 627 706 people over May and June [2016] in 3 districts where the disease was detected,

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  • Yellow fever immunisation policy, provided by the SASTM

    Yellow fever immunisation policy SASTM has provided a policy statement on the period of validity of yellow fever immunisation policy (see www.sastm.org.za ). The WHO recently stated that a single yellow fever vaccination is now to be regarded as providing lifelong immunity and all countries were to adopt this policy as from 11 July 2016. In

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  • Yellow Fever Confusion

    SASTM NEWSFLASH Yellow fever confusion persists at OR Tambo 20 Fri, Feb 2015 Despite the South African department of health officially lifting the yellow fever requirement for travel between Zambia and South Africa at the end of January, travellers have reported that immigration officials at OR Tambo, Johannesburg, are still insisting on seeing the certificate.

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  • Yellow fever

    Yellow fever is a disease regulated by International Health Regulations of the WHO. This means that vaccination is a requirement to enter a country with Yellow Fever and will be a requirement to re-enter South Africa after travel to such a country. Yellow fever is endemic to certain countries in South America and Africa only.

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