• Yellow fever

    Yellow fever is a disease regulated by International Health Regulations of the WHO. This means that vaccination is a requirement to enter a country with Yellow Fever and will be a requirement to re-enter South Africa after travel to such a country. Yellow fever is endemic to certain countries in South America and Africa only.

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  • Water and food-borne illness

    Diseases Hepatitis A and E, Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Polio, Bacterial dysentery, Amoebic dysentery, Schistosomiasis, Giardiasis and parasitic infections Prevention Vaccinations are available for water and food-borne illness and we will offer them to you according to your risk and the present outbreaks in the area you will be visiting. Hand washing, boiling and peeling of

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  • Vaccinations

    We offer an extensive selection of vaccinations Please feel free to browse the websites of our suppliers: Sanofi Pasteur [http://www.sanofipasteur.com/en/vaccine_essentials/ ] GSK Vaccines [http://www.gskvaccines.com]

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  • Travel Insurance

    In most cases, the cost of medical treatment in other countries is far higher than at home. We do not sell travel insurance but would like to take the opportunity to ask you to consider purchasing travel insurance. Additionally, your medical aid may not cover your health expenses in a foreign country. Please contact your

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